Career center
- Clinical hospital № 8 (medical center «Kanaker-Zeytun»)
- «Surb Astvatsamayr» medical center
- Family Planning and Sexual Health Center (maternity hospital № 2)
- «Shengavit» medical center
- Institute of Fine Organic Chemistry named after A.L. Mnjoyan, National Academy of Sciences of RA
- Institute of Physiologi named after L. Orbeli, National Academi of Sciences of RA
- Union of Medicine Producers and Importers
- Policlinic № 11
- Children`s dental clinic № 5
- NationalLibrary of Armenia
- «Diadent» CJSC stomatology
- «Mehrabyan scientific-educational centre» Public Organization (NGO)
- Liqvor Pharmaceuticals CJSC
- «Armfarm» Pharmaceutical company
- «Pharm Trast» Co. Ltd. Medical pharmaceutical company/representative of OZON`C (France) in Armenia /
- Vitamax – E LLC. Medical pharmaceutical company.
- «Litte» – medical cosmetology center
- «Medest» Aesthetic medicine & modern cosmetology center
- Barses Ltd. /official distributor of L`oreal Paris /
- Loyd Ltd - provides dwellings for foreign students
- Partner Ltd. – «Johnson and Johnson» cosmetics and pergumes
- Esting Ltd. /official distributor of Nivea, Florena, Green Mama, Camill/.
- Medical Horizon Ltd
- Medical centre «ON Clinic-ANI»
- pharmaceutical company «World Medicine»