Participation of the Medical College of «Mehrabyan Medical College» LLC in public works
On the initiative of the Mayor of Yerevan, in the framework of the city tree planting program, trees were planted in the City Park after V. Davtyan with the participation of teaching stuff and students of the Medical College after Mehrabyan.
Students and teachers of the Medical College after Mehrabyan took part in a nationwide Cleanup Day and cleaned up their allotted territory.
Today we celebrate the 2796th anniversary of our beloved capital, the capital of all Armenians - Yerevan. Congratulations to all of us!
The visit of the delegation of the Medical College after Mehrabyan to Minsk, Riga and Daugavpils State Medical Colleges.
With the support of the President of the Republic of Armenia and the funds allocated to the Youth Foundation of Armenia, the Mehrabyan Scientific - Educational Center (NGO) together with the Medical College after Mehrabyan runs the program: “ Тhe benefits of non-smoking. Promoting a healthy lifestyle.” Free workshops in the schools of Yerevan city, and in June –August, in the auditoriums of the Medical College after Mehrabyan.