Electronic Library
- http://www.koob.ru/medical_psychology/ - Electronic library “Koob„
- http://sovremennik.ws/medicine/-Medical books
- http://publ.lib.ru/ARCHIVES/_NIT_MED/_Nit_med.html- Medical literature
- http://www.litportal.ru/index.html?r=212 –Medical literature
- http://www.lib.ru/NTL/MED/ - Medical literature
- http://autism.ru/ - Early Childhood Autism Literature
- http://www.lib.com.ua/11/0.html- Medicine resources
- http://www.litportal.ru/index.html?r=212 -Medical literature on litportal
- http://kulichki.com/inkwell/special/health/raznoe.htm - Medical literature
- http://www.psychiatry.ru/ - Psychiatry library
- http://specialist.homeopatica.ru/library.shtml- Homeopathy library
- http://max.1gb.ru/main/index.php мед.ресурс- Library
- http://orthomed.ru/index.php - Orthodox Medical Server. Library
- http://urology.com.ua/ - Website of ukr. urologists, nephrologists, andrologists, sexopathologists
- http://xray.nm.ru/ -Medical library
- http://www.stomatolog.ru/ - Website for patients and doctors
- http://www.medicbuzz.net/ - Library of Actual Medical literature
- http://www.bibliomed.ru/ -All-Russian medical portal. There is library
- http://www.medicum.nnov.ru/doctor/ - Translated textbooks in many sections of medicine
- http://www.kuban.su/medicine/index.htm –Big Medical library in Russian
- http://www.gpbukhara.narod.ru/biblio.html – Medical books freely available on net
- http://www.neuro.net.ru/bibliot/sexhealth/- Literature and information about sexology
- http://psysphera.narod.ru/ - Literature on psychopathology, psychology, psychoanalysis
- http://www.neuro.net.ru/bibliot/harrison/ - Harrison's Disease Handbook
- http://sexology.narod.ru/ - Sexology. I.S. Kona's personal website
- http://www.it-med.ru/library/a.htm - Library
- http://www.webmedinfo.ru/ - Medical website and library
- http://medbookaide.ru/index.html- Guide to the medical literature
- http://www.medscape.com/home - Free database of scientific publications
- http://hanbalik.narod.ru/library/library_main.htm - Text on Chinese Medicine
- http://mednik.com.ua/ - Mednik Medical library
- http://tibet-med.narod.ru/index.html- Tibetan Medicine
- http://www.ladoshki.com/?books&group=14- Medical literature
- http://www.infanata.org/index.php- Library of literature
- http://dok-zlo.livejournal.com/159386.html- Links to online medical resources: http://dok-zlo.livejournal.com/159557.html, http://uncle-doc.livejournal.com/56291.html
- http://lib.rus.ec/g/sci_medicine- Libursek
- Internet resources Library Postgraduate education SPb MAPO http://spbmapo.ru/ru/s/95/internet_resursy.html
- Huge Medical Library www.bestmedbook.com
- Medicine. Medical books, manuals, folk healers http://lib.com.ua/11/0.html
- Medical book – Electronic medical library http://medkniga.at.ua
- Medical literature http://farmafak.ru
- Library www.MedBook.net.ru - Electronic medical books, free medical textbooks www.medbook.net.ru
- Library www.MEDLITER.ru – Electronic medical books www.medliter.ru
- https://www.facebook.com/mehrabyan.collegehttp://www.freemedicaljournals.com
- http://eprints.utas.edu.au/287
- http://www.inasp.org.uk
- http://www.doaj.org
- http://www.bmj.com
- Armenian Library Association http://www.libnet.am
- http://www.biome.ac.uk Biology
- http://www.omni.ac.uk Medicine and Nursing
- MEDLINE (PubMed): Quotes from medical journal articles. 1966-up to now http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/PubMed